Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Flagship Primark store hits Cardiff

The long awaited and much anticipated new 86,600 sq feet flagship Primark store finally opened in Cardiff city centre today. The huge store has created an additional 300 new jobs for the people of Cardiff with the retailer now employing more than 600 people.

As a fashion blogger I was invited for a sneak preview at 8am before anyone else was allowed to look round, however unfortunately due to other work commitments I was unable to make it. 

The store expands over five extensive floors packed full of the latest trends in women's, men's and children's fashion including footwear, accessories, lingerie, swimwear and homeware. When I finally made it into the store at lunchtime, it was surprisingly more welcoming than any other Primark store I have ever been in. 

The store has a chic and contemporary look about it with wide-open spaces and neat storage units. Now I know it was only opening day, and many people where probably shying away from the store in fear that it was be overcrowded and swarming with eager bargain hunters but this was not the case. As shoppers are spread over such a vast area of retail space you do not feel like you are frantically fighting for a piece of your own personal space, like most Primark stores or that you are battling with other customers to find the best bargain you can. 

As I entered the store I did get a sudden feeling of excitement and an overwhelming sense of where to go first. However if you approach it theoretically and strategically you can soon scour the shelves quickly and easily and uncover a selection of the little fashion gems. I am not normally much of a Primark fan, I shop there occasionally and usually because I am hunting down something very specific, otherwise you could go a little mad and but the entire contents of the store!

There are definitely some great items in store right now, there is in particular a pair of floral dungarees that I wouldn't mind getting my hands on.....watch this space for images of the store itself and my top choice of items...

1 comment:

Kerry Louise Norris said...

I wonder if the floral dungarees you're referring to are the ones I bought the other day lol xxx