Friday, 4 January 2013

Cellulite bashing tights

Most of us will be keeping our pale, white (and maybe slightly hairy) legs firmly covered over the winter period until the weather starts to become a little warmer, and now there is a new innovation in tights that promise to make your legs look younger, feel soflty and look positively glowing come spring. This sounds like an incredible promise and great idea, but lets face it, in reality do they really work?
Well according to the makers of the Charnos' compression tights, available from £6 in House of Fraser and Debenhams, the blend of vitamin E, honey, nutrient-rich kelp and shea butter, will help fight cellulite, stop sagging and soften flaky skin. The blend is incorporated into the yarn and is apparently released as the wearer moves. They last for up to 25 washes before you need to rush out and purchase another pair. The claim is yet to be proven but they could be worth a whirl....although the sceptic in me is not sure they they will deliver, especially on the cellulite claim and could lead to major disappointment come spring.  So although I may be investing in a pair, I think I will keep up my weekly gym regime, just to be on the safe side! As seen on

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