Monday, 4 July 2011

The amazing modesty shirt!

I came across an interesting article earlier on the Mail Online about an American lobbyist who has designed a blouse for women that won't pop open or gape over your breasts. The shirt has been so successful in America that it was featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show as one of the five things to have in 2011. The lady in question has now quit her job as a lobbyist and hopes to make money by selling more than 10,000 of these shirts to women across the USA and the rest of the world by the end of the year.

Apparently the buttons on the shirt are aligned to show just enough of a cleavage but not too much so to maintain a woman's modesty! lol

The shirt comes in four design options and is even stocked by Bloomingdales in New York.

Check it out -

Innovative: Rochelle was tired of always exposing herself from gapes in her shirt so decided to design her own
Innovative: Rochelle was tired of always exposing herself from gapes in her shirt so decided to design her own

Read more:

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