Today I was asked to attend a fashion shoot for Cardiff magazine The Edge at John Lewis. I jumped at the chance of spending my afternoon scouring the rails of the womenswear floor looking for the perfect outfit to wear for the day time and night time however, this task proved a hell of a lot trickier than I had originally anticipated and I quickly found myself completely out of my depth, which as a complete shopaholic was un-known territory for me.
I am normally quite a casual shopper who veers straight towards the likes of Topshop, New Look and H & M where the clothes are generally edgy, fun and right up my street. However, in John Lewis the clothes are very different and I found myself in front of rails of clothes that I couldn't really see myself wearing at all so the task of finding an outfit for both day and night started getting a lot harder than I had imagined. I started pickin up pretty much everything and anything but when I got to the fitting room nothing fitted me properly or looked particularly good and I suddenly started to feel under extreme pressure to just put an outfit together from what I had but from a confident fashionista I felt like I had turned into a complete loser. I just couldnt work out what to put myself in and they needed me to get the outfit ready for the shoot. So i ran out onto the shop floor and finally found a pair of tapered grey hareem style trousers that I paired with a nude vest and a gorgeous waterfall black jacket all from warehouse.A classic day time look that realistically I would probably ear for work but not anywhere else! I also added some amazingly high Kurt Geiger black patent sky scraper heels and a very expensive Lulu Guinness bag (£395). Crazy price!
Then was the task of the evening oufit and by now I was loosing momentum so I just grabbed a navy strapless bodycon dress from French Connection which I paired with a fab pair of chunky pink KG from Kurt Geiger heels. I felt a little body conscious and its probably not realistically what I would wear of a night out but it looked ok and it worked ok! The magazine is out in 2 weeks so hopefully i will look ok but it wont realy reflect my true style as I did nit really choose stuff I would normally wear. Will I regret the whole experience later? I hope not. Lets just hope that they choose nice pics of me afterall this magazine is out for two months so I dont wanna look like crap. All I can sugest is only shop where you know and feel comfortable. Give me Topshop anyday but never mind fingers crossed I look good. I doned on fake eyelashes afterall!! xxx
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